CapMarv’s QUANTUM LEAP 1999

Yup. It’s been awhile since i’ve seen my buddies Genis-Vell and Rick Jones. Im looking around for some reference and lo and behold, i bump into this cover. I thought I had actually sold this one by my art agent Mark Hay. This was a cool time in my career.

When i finished draw The Slingers for Marvel, I git a call-in from Tom Brevoort and he was looking for an artist for a new Captain Marvel. To show you how eerie this is, i remember the series before i started the one that seems to still be popular and i used to buy it as a fan… But no way did i ever realize that i would be working on something that would be a big canon in Marvel history. Heck, i was more into getting paid. :). I just wanted to jump on something where i could flex. I don’t get to do that often. There’s either hurried deadlines or not enough info… But i got to play around with CapMarv for a long time. Like 3 years. Even with the enhanced reboot i did four issues on.

This cover for issue #25 was in the middle of the Avengers Forever run. A future Rick Jones who apparently got the wrong end of a fight with a Skrull, i think. But with this particular Rick, i got to do some really great acting and storytelling. Especially with a potential orgy scene… Yes… I said ORGY…. With a bunch of green skinned female concubines from another dimension.

Anibal Rodriguez, who inked me on the cover, did a bang up job. Its influenced by the intro of Quantum Leap…. And since I wasn’t using computers then, now that i’ve scanned this image, i felt the need to update the cover by adding some things that i probably would have done when i worked on it had i had my Mac….

Not much.

Just a flare or two. :).

Hope yuh likes. 🙂
