Batman in Smallville: SMALLVILLE – DETECTIVE


So I started working on Smallville:Detective in Late February , and it’s been some ride so far. A lot has happened in the midst of getting this book moving. But it’s finally out in the stores physically and it’s been shown in chapters through the digital comic publishing giant ,Comixology. I feel it’s time with this newer blog to start getting these pages out for y’all to see. I managed to get some of the produced pages without the dialog so you can see the art unfettered. I will also be putting the concept designs on this blog, too… To give you the idea of exactly how much work goes Into making this cool Smallville comic go! I’ll also post the pencils of the pages so you can see some of the process. It’s not purely digital, but it’s not purely old school paper-and-pencil, either. But I hope you enjoy the journey.

Welcome all!!

May I say thank you for peering at this new page! I’m restarting my new blog here and will be transferring a ton of material from other sites. I hope you’re patient with me as I get things together.
I’m presently getting my work done on the project SMALLVILLE : DETECTIVE, out now and ready to be read. I will be putting all that great stuff here and hope you will enjoy it.

Please stick around….. 😉
